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Media Outlets

China Daily

China Daily


Owner / Publisher: China Daily

Language: English

Region Served / Publication Area: National

Politial Affiliation: Pro-government

Type of Coverage: Local, regional, national, international news

Frequency: Daily

China Daily is a daily English-language newspaper published by the government of the People's Republic of China. Current circulation is approximately 500,000. The content covers national and international news, politics, business, health, sports, and entertainment. China Daily is considered a vehicle for native Chinese speakers to improve their English, but also targets foreigners living and working in China. The paper is generally pro-government in its editorial policies.

China Economic Times - Zhongguo Jingji Shibao

China Economic Times - Zhongguo Jingji Shibao


Owner / Publisher: Government owned

Language: Chinese

Region Served / Publication Area: National

Politial Affiliation: Pro-government

Type of Coverage: Economic and Financial

Frequency: Daily

China Economic Times is a Chinese-language daily newspaper.  Its content emphasizes national and international economic and financial news.  It's editorial policy is generally pro-government.

China Youth Daily - Zhongguo Qingnian Bao

China Youth Daily - Zhongguo Qingnian Bao


Owner / Publisher: Government owned

Language: Chinese

Region Served / Publication Area: National

Politial Affiliation: Pro-government

Type of Coverage: Local, regional, national, international news

Frequency: Daily

China Youth Daily has been published daily since 1951 by the Communist Youth League of the People's Republic. Ironically, it is China's first for-profit newspaper, and as such accepts advertising revenue. It's current circulation is around 1 million, including circulation in foreign countries.

Legal Daily (Fazhi Ribao)

Legal Daily (Fazhi Ribao)


Owner / Publisher: Government owned (Central Commission for Political and Legal Affairs)

Language: Chinese

Region Served / Publication Area: National and regional

Politial Affiliation: Pro-government

Type of Coverage: Legal developments

Frequency: Daily

The Legal Daily is a Chinese-language daily newspaper published by the supervision of the Central Commission for Political and Legal Affairs. Content is focused on legal developments.

Nongmin Ribao

Owner / Publisher: Government owned

Language: Chinese

Region Served / Publication Area: National

Type of Coverage: Local, regional, national, international news

Frequency: Daily

People's Daily - Renmin Ribao

People's Daily - Renmin Ribao


Owner / Publisher: Government-owned

Language: Chinese; various minority languages

Region Served / Publication Area: National

Politial Affiliation: Pro-government

Type of Coverage: Local, regional, national, international news

Frequency: Daily

The People's Daily is a Chinese-language daily published by the Communist Party. It covers local and international news, politics, economics, technology, culture, society, sports, and entertainment. The paper's editorial policy is pro-government, and, historically, information published in The People's Daily has been seen as authoritative statements of official government policy.  The internet version of the newspaper includes many pages in Arabic, French, Russian, Spanish, Japanese and English.

People's Liberation Army Daily - Jiefangjun Bao


Owner / Publisher: Chinamil

Language: English, Chinese

Region Served / Publication Area: National

Politial Affiliation: People's Liberation Army

Type of Coverage: Local, regional, national, international news

Frequency: Daily

The Guangming Daily (Guangming Ribao)

The Guangming Daily (Guangming Ribao)


Owner / Publisher: Central Committee of the Communist Party

Language: Chinese

Region Served / Publication Area: National

Politial Affiliation: Pro-government

Type of Coverage: Comprehensive, with emphasis on students and intellectuals

Frequency: Daily

The Guangming Daily is an influential Chinese-language daily published in Guangming but also printed in the cities of Shenyang, Shanghai, Wuhan, Guangzhou, Xi'an, Lanzhou, Chengdu and Kunming.  The paper has correspondants in many countries worldwide. The paper covers local, regional, and international news, sports, finance, business, and entertainment, and is known for having a high readership among students and intellectuals.

Workers' Daily (Gōngrén Rìbào)

Workers' Daily (Gōngrén Rìbào)


Owner / Publisher: Government owned

Language: Chinese

Region Served / Publication Area: National

Politial Affiliation: Pro-government

Type of Coverage: Economic news

Frequency: Daily

The Workers' Daily is a Chinese-language (simplified Chinese) daily newspaper published since 1946 by The Communist Party. The content emphasizes economic news. The current circulation is around 1 million.

Xin Ming Evening News

Xin Ming Evening News


Owner / Publisher: Wenhui-xinmin United Press Group

Language: Chinese

Region Served / Publication Area: Regional

Politial Affiliation: Pro-government

Type of Coverage: Local, regional, national, international news

Frequency: Daily

Xin Ming Evening News is the major Chinese-language daily published in Shanghai. It is the official in-flight newspaper for China Eastern Airline and China Southern Airline on flights between the U.S. and China.

Yanchen Evening News
