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Lesson Plans: Cultural Conflict: Lesson Plan: Postcards From Afar

Postcards from Afar #1 (Time Maximum)
Gastrodiplomacy: "I ate dinner in . . ." Descriptive Writing with Sensory Details, Metaphors, and Similes
  • Grades: 7–9
  • Time: Three 90-minute classes
  • Featured Resources: articles National Cuisine, Points of Interest, and Maps for 174 countries
  • Skills: Students read passages about culture and food; reflect on personal responses and discuss responses with classmates; present new cuisine vocabulary to classmates; compare/contrast an unfamiliar culture/food experience with their own home and school culture/food habits; take notes to evaluate information that is relevant/irrelevant to their writing purpose; write a short descriptive piece using sensory language plus metaphors and similes; practice the complete writing process: identify an area of curiosity, read, take notes, identify a specific audience, brainstorm, compose, seek feedback, revise, polish, publish for readers outside the classroom.
  • Activities: All Activities in Class
    • Writing: Full Process with Peer Review and Revision
    • Writing: Reflective
    • Presentation/Performance
    • Independent work
    • Reading and Research

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Postcards from Afar #1 (Time Middle)
Gastrodiplomacy: "I ate dinner in . . ." Descriptive Writing with Sensory Details, Metaphors, and Similes
  • Grades: 7–9
  • Time: Two 90-minute classes
  • Featured Resources: articles National Cuisine, Points of Interest, and Maps for 175 countries
  • Skills: Students read passages about culture and food; reflect on personal responses and discuss responses with classmates; compare/contrast an unfamiliar culture/food experience with their own home and school culture/food habits; take notes to evaluate information that is relevant/irrelevant to their writing purpose; write a short descriptive piece using sensory language plus metaphors and similes; practice the complete writing process: identify an area of curiosity, read, take notes, identify a specific audience, brainstorm, compose, seek feedback, revise, polish, publish for readers outside the classroom.
  • Activities: All Activities in Class
    • Writing: Full Process with Peer Review and Revision
    • Writing: Reflective
    • Independent work
    • Reading and Research

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Postcards from Afar #1 (Time Minimum)
Gastrodiplomacy: "I ate dinner in . . ." Descriptive Writing with Sensory Details, Metaphors, and Similes
  • Grades: 7–9
  • Time: One 90-minute class
  • Featured Resources: articles National Cuisine, Points of Interest, and Maps for 175 countries
  • Skills: Students read passages about culture and food; reflect on personal responses and discuss responses with classmates; compare/contrast an unfamiliar culture/food experience with their own home and school culture/food habits; take notes to evaluate information that is relevant/irrelevant to their writing purpose; write a short descriptive piece using sensory language plus metaphors and similes.
  • Activities: All Activities in Class
    • Writing: First Drafts Only
    • Writing: Reflective
    • Independent work
    • Reading and Research

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Postcards from Afar #2 (Time Maximum)
EduDiplomacy: "I would rather go to school in . . ." Evaluative Writing with Evidence and Organization
  • Grades: 9–10
  • Time: Three 90-minute classes
  • Featured Resources: articles Country Snapshot, Cultural Overview, and Education for 175 countries
  • Skills: Students read text about culture and school in other countries; interpret data presented in table form; reflect on personal responses and discuss responses with classmates; compare/contrast culture and school experiences in different countries; take notes to evaluate information that is relevant/irrelevant to their writing purpose; write a short evaluative piece using strong evidence and organized information; practice the complete writing process: identify an area of curiosity, read, take notes, identify a specific audience, brainstorm, compose, seek feedback, revise, polish, publish for readers outside the classroom.
  • Activities: All Activities in Class
    • Writing: Full Process with Peer Review and Revision
    • Independent work
    • Reading and Research

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Postcards from Afar #2 (Time Middle)
EduDiplomacy: "I would rather go to school in . . ." Evaluative Writing with Evidence and Organization
  • Grades: 9–10
  • Time: Two 90-minute classes
  • Featured Resources: articles Country Snapshot, Cultural Overview, and Education for 175 countries
  • Skills: Students read text about culture and school in other countries; interpret data presented in table form; reflect on personal responses and discuss responses with classmates; compare/contrast culture and school experiences in different countries; take notes to evaluate information that is relevant/irrelevant to their writing purpose; write a short evaluative piece using strong evidence and organized information; practice the complete writing process: identify an area of curiosity, read, take notes, identify a specific audience, brainstorm, compose, seek feedback, revise, polish, publish for readers outside the classroom.
  • Activities: All Activities in Class
    • Writing: Full Process with Peer Review and Revision
    • Independent work
    • Reading and Research

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Postcards from Afar #2 (Time Minimum)
EduDiplomacy: "I would rather go to school in . . ." Evaluative Writing with Evidence and Organization
  • Grades: 9–10
  • Time: One 90-minute class
  • Featured Resources: articles Country Snapshot, Cultural Overview, and Education for 175 countries
  • Skills: Students read text about culture and school in other countries; interpret data presented in table form; reflect on personal responses and discuss responses with classmates; compare/contrast culture and school experiences in different countries; take notes to evaluate information that is relevant/irrelevant to their writing purpose; write a short evaluative piece using strong evidence and organized information.
  • Activities: All Activities in Class
    • Writing: First Drafts Only
    • Independent work
    • Reading and Research

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Postcards from Afar #3 (Time Maximum)
Travel Diplomacy: "Come with me on my next trip to . . ." Persuasive Writing with Evidence, Sensory Details, and Varied Sentences
  • Grades: 11–12
  • Time: Three 90-minute classes
  • Featured Resources: articles for 175 countries
  • Skills: Students read articles about two countries; reflect on personal responses and discuss responses with classmates; compare/contrast travel possibilities in different countries; decide which country they would rather travel to and what friend they'd like to travel with; select information that is relevant to their persuasive purpose; write a short persuasive piece using strong evidence, sensory language, and complex sentences; practice the complete writing process: identify an area of curiosity, read, take notes, identify a specific audience, brainstorm, compose, seek feedback, revise, polish, publish for readers outside the classroom.
  • Activities: All Activities in Class
    • Writing: Full Process with Peer Review and Revision
    • Independent work
    • Reading and Research

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Postcards from Afar #3 (Time Middle)
Travel Diplomacy: "Come with me on my next trip to . . ." Persuasive Writing with Evidence, Sensory Details, and Varied Sentences
  • Grades: 11–12
  • Time: Two 90-minute classes
  • Featured Resources: articles for 175 countries
  • Skills: Students read articles about two countries; reflect on personal responses and discuss responses with classmates; compare/contrast travel possibilities in different countries; decide which country they would rather travel to and what friend they'd like to travel with; select information that is relevant to their persuasive purpose; write a short persuasive piece using strong evidence, sensory language, and complex sentences; practice the complete writing process: identify an area of curiosity, read, take notes, identify a specific audience, brainstorm, compose, seek feedback, revise, polish, publish for readers outside the classroom.
  • Activities: All Activities in Class
    • Writing: Full Process with Peer Review and Revision
    • Independent work
    • Reading and Research

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Postcards from Afar #3 (Time Minimum)
Travel Diplomacy: "Come with me on my next trip to . . ." Persuasive Writing with Evidence, Sensory Details, and Varied Sentences
  • Grades: 11–12
  • Time: One 90-minute class
  • Featured Resources: articles for 175 countries
  • Skills: Students read articles about two countries; reflect on personal responses and discuss responses with classmates; compare/contrast travel possibilities in different countries; decide which country they would rather travel to and what friend they'd like to travel with; select information that is relevant to their persuasive purpose; write a short persuasive piece using strong evidence, sensory language, and complex sentences.
  • Activities: All Activities in Class
    • Writing: First Drafts Only
    • Independent work
    • Reading and Research

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