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Lesson Plans: Cultural Conflict: Lesson Plan: Image Theater

Image Theater #1 (Time Maximum)
Performing History: World History via People Sculptures
  • Grades: 8–9
  • Time: Three 90-minute classes
  • Featured Resources: articles Country Snapshot, Cultural Overview, Demographics, The People, Government (read the first few sections, skim the rest), Maps, and Climate and Geography.
  • Skills: Students read articles on the histories of countries around the world; select key points to share with classmates; choose roles as silent actors and/or narrators; choreograph 10–15 silent body sculptures (tableaux), to express their key points; compose captions for their tableaux to be performed by the narrator/s; rehearse their pieces; perform tableaux with captions for the class; and reflect in writing about their collaborative strategies and their communication strategies.
  • Activities: All Activities in Class
    • Writing: First Drafts Only
    • Writing: Reflective
    • Presentation/Performance
    • Group Collaboration
    • Reading and Research

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Image Theater #1 (Time Middle)
Performing History: World History via People Sculptures
  • Grades: 8–9
  • Time: Two 90-minute classes
  • Featured Resources: articles Country Snapshot, Cultural Overview, Demographics, The People, Government (read the first few sections, skim the rest), Maps, and Climate and Geography.
  • Skills: Students read articles on the histories of countries around the world; select key points to share with classmates; choose roles as silent actors and/or narrators; choreograph 10–15 silent body sculptures (tableaux), to express their key points; compose captions for their tableaux to be performed by the narrator/s; rehearse their pieces; and perform tableaux with captions for the class.
  • Activities: All Activities in Class
    • Presentation/Performance
    • Group Collaboration
    • Reading and Research

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Image Theater #1 (Time Minimum)
Performing History: World History via People Sculptures
  • Grades: 8–9
  • Time: One 90-minute class plus 30 minutes
  • Featured Resources: articles Country Snapshot, Cultural Overview, and Maps.
  • Skills: Students read articles on the histories of countries around the world; select key points to share with classmates; choose roles as silent actors and/or narrators; choreograph 5–7 silent body sculptures (tableaux), to express their key points; compose captions for their tableaux to be performed by the narrator/s; rehearse their pieces; and perform tableaux with captions for the class.
  • Activities: All Activities in Class
    • Presentation/Performance
    • Group Collaboration
    • Reading and Research

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Image Theater #2 (Time Maximum)
Performing Culture: World Tour via People Sculptures
  • Grades: 9–10
  • Time: Three 90-minute classes
  • Featured Resources: articles Country Snapshot, Cultural Overview, Demographics, The People, Government (read the first few sections, skim the rest), Maps, Climate and Geography, National Cuisine, and Life Cycle
  • Skills: Students read articles on world cultures; select key points to share with classmates; choose roles as silent actors and/or narrators; choreograph 10–15 silent body sculptures (tableaux), to express their key points; compose captions for their tableaux to be performed by the narrator/s; rehearse their pieces; perform tableaux with captions for the class; and reflect in writing about their collaborative strategies, their performance tactics, and the cultural tendencies at work in their own classroom.
  • Activities: All Activities in Class
    • Writing: First Drafts Only
    • Writing: Reflective
    • Presentation/Performance
    • Group Collaboration
    • Reading and Research

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Image Theater #2 (Time Middle)
Performing Culture: World Tour via People Sculptures
  • Grades: 9–10
  • Time: Two 90-minute classes
  • Featured Resources: articles Country Snapshot, Cultural Overview, Demographics, The People, Government (read the first few sections, skim the rest), Maps, Climate and Geography, National Cuisine, and Life Cycle
  • Skills: Students read articles on world cultures; select key points to share with classmates; choose roles as silent actors and/or narrators; choreograph 10 silent body sculptures (tableaux), to express their key points; compose captions for their tableaux to be performed by the narrator/s; rehearse their pieces; perform tableaux with captions for the class.
  • Activities: All Activities in Class
    • Presentation/Performance
    • Group Collaboration
    • Reading and Research

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Image Theater #2 (Time Minimum)
Performing Culture: World Tour via People Sculptures
  • Grades: 9–10
  • Time: One 90-minute class plus 30 minutes
  • Featured Resources: articles Country Snapshot, Cultural Overview, Demographics, The People, Government (read the first few sections, skim the rest), Maps, Climate and Geography, National Cuisine, and Life Cycle
  • Skills: Students read articles on world cultures; select key points to share with classmates; choose roles as silent actors and/or narrators; choreograph 5–7 silent body sculptures (tableaux), to express their key points; compose captions for their tableaux to be performed by the narrator/s; rehearse their pieces; perform tableaux with captions for the class.
  • Activities: All Activities in Class
    • Presentation/Performance
    • Group Collaboration
    • Reading and Research

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Image Theater #3 (Time Maximum)
Performing Conflicts and Resolutions: Exploring International Relationships with People Sculptures
  • Grades: 11–12
  • Time: Three 90-minute classes
  • Featured Resources: articles Country Snapshot, Cultural Overview, Maps, Climate and Geography, Life Cycle, and Religion
  • Skills: Students read texts on countries around the world and consider their relationships with other nations; select key points to share with classmates; choose roles as silent actors and/or narrators; choreograph 10–15 silent body sculptures (tableaux), to express their key points; compose captions for their tableaux to be performed by the narrator/s; rehearse their pieces; perform tableaux with captions for the class; and reflect in writing about their collaborative strategies, their performance tactics, the cultural forces at work within their own classroom, and how they resolved conflicts within their own groups.
  • Activities: All Activities in Class
    • Writing: First Drafts Only
    • Writing: Reflective
    • Presentation/Performance
    • Group Collaboration
    • Reading and Research

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Image Theater #3 (Time Middle)
Performing Conflicts and Resolutions: Exploring International Relationships with People Sculptures
  • Grades: 11–12
  • Time: Two 90-minute classes
  • Featured Resources: articles Country Snapshot, Cultural Overview, Maps, Climate and Geography, Life Cycle, and Religion
  • Skills: Students read texts on countries around the world and consider their relationships with other nations; select key points to share with classmates; choose roles as silent actors and/or narrators; choreograph 10–15 silent body sculptures (tableaux), to express their key points; compose captions for their tableaux to be performed by the narrator/s; rehearse their pieces; perform tableaux with captions for the class.
  • Activities: All Activities in Class
    • Presentation/Performance
    • Group Collaboration
    • Reading and Research

Download Lesson Plan: PDF / Word

Image Theater #3 (Time Minimum)
Performing Conflicts and Resolutions: Exploring International Relationships with People Sculptures
  • Grades: 11–12
  • Time: One 90-minute class plus 30 minutes
  • Featured Resources: articles Country Snapshot, Cultural Overview, Maps, Climate and Geography, Life Cycle, and Religion
  • Skills: Students read texts on countries around the world and consider their relationships with other nations; select key points to share with classmates; choose roles as silent actors and/or narrators; choreograph 5–7 silent body sculptures (tableaux), to express their key points; compose captions for their tableaux to be performed by the narrator/s; rehearse their pieces; perform tableaux with captions for the class.
  • Activities: All Activities in Class
    • Presentation/Performance
    • Group Collaboration
    • Reading and Research

Download Lesson Plan: PDF / Word